Knowing when to seek immediate dental care is essential since dental emergencies can occur anytime. An emergency dentist is qualified to address a variety of dental crises quickly and effectively. 

This article will discuss one of the many circumstances or signs when you should contact an emergency dentist in Sarnia. 

Signs When You Should See A Dentist 

The main symptoms or signs indicate that you should seek help from an emergency dentist in Sarnia. 

Tooth Ache

If you experience severe or persistent tooth pain, it’s crucial to seek immediate dental care. Tooth pain can be a sign of several dental issues. Cavities, abscesses, and even shattered teeth are just a few conditions that can result in tooth discomfort. 

Ignoring dental pain increases the risk of more severe issues and complicates treatment. In addition to offering pain relief, an emergency dentist can identify the source of the discomfort and recommend the best course of action.

Knocked-Out Or Broken Teeth

Dental care is critical if a tooth is fractured or knocked out. If not addressed correctly, a damaged or knocked-out tooth can cause excruciating pain and develop into more severe issues. To assist save the tooth and stop additional harm to your oral health, an emergency dentist can offer treatment.

Stuck Object in Between Teeth

It’s critical to seek dental care immediately if something is lodged between your teeth. Your teeth or gums could get hurt if you try to remove the object yourself, further exacerbating the situation. An urgent care dentist can remove the thing and administer any required care to stop additional harm.

Bleeding Gums

It’s critical to seek dental care as soon as possible if your gums continue to bleed. Gum disease, a dangerous illness resulting in tooth loss and other health issues, can be detected by bleeding gums. An urgent care dentist can determine what is causing your bleeding gums and administer the appropriate care to restore your oral health.

Lost Crown Or Filling

It’s critical to seek dental care immediately if you have a missing filling or crown. If a misplaced filling or crown is not replaced immediately, it can cause severe discomfort and further harm your teeth. An emergency dentist can apply a temporary filling or crown to safeguard your tooth and stop future damage.


It’s critical to get dental care right away if you notice swelling in your mouth. A dangerous illness, like an abscess, which can be fatal if neglected, can be indicated by swelling. An urgent care dentist can identify the node’s source and administer the required care to enhance oral health.


Getting dental care as soon as you suspect a dental infection is critical. If left untreated, dental diseases have the potential to spread quickly and seriously harm both your oral and general health. An emergency dentist can give antibiotics and other treatments to help lower the possibility of problems and enhance dental health.

Wrapping up, if you are looking for an emergency dentist in Sarnia, reach out to Clearwater Family Dental. We have been offering family dental care for decades, and our skilled dentists provide great emergency dental service for families in Sarnia. 

Book an appointment today!